Active Equities
- WVL seeks to add value to its investments in areas of its expertise or through an active strategic involvement in the functions of a company
- In addition to all aspects of the energy, water and waste businesses, WVL can add value through finance, operations, M&A or strategy as part of our core functions or external network
- A high engagement level from our staff requires us to be selective in our investees
- Given the long term nature of our capital and operator experience, we can assume risks atypical of most private equity funds
Disruptive Technologies
- Industry changing technology that is revolutionary and not just evolutionary
- Competitive technology should be difficult to replicate with a proven pilot of customer sponsorship in place
- Funding is typically for commercialization in an “A” round
- Not specific sector but requires hyper growth and customer acceptance
Merchant Banking
- Special situations that can generate income or immediate payback for capital at risk
- Risk is highly structured
- Credit/risk arbitrage or bridge financing
- Short term exposures
- Unique risks outside of typical lending parameters